Custom Cursor

Brave New  World

‘’I am I and I wish I werent’’

Installation inspired by Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World

Henry Ford the creator and messianic figure of Huxley's dystopian world, is on the top of this ‘’cosmos’’. The sculpted main head reflects characteristics of existing political leaders ( such as Trump, Josip Broz Tito etc). Two halfprints - copies apearing on Ford’s side, create a triptych of hierarchy, which without any idividual identity, rules an infinite world of reproduction ( fetuses ) and consumption ( ‘’Soma’’ pills). A rusty metal spine reveals the connection between two realities.

Installation: Marios – Leandros Basteas
Sound Design ( played by headphones): Athina Sotiroglou

mixed media neon, clay, wood, metal, mirror, glass

© 2021 Marios Leandros Basteas

In this world· where the apple chases the fly, annoyance forces the subject into action .. otherwise the operator will sooner or later lose control. - Press the apple button to get rid of this mess. -